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The Cross of Christ by John R.W. Stott Audiobook Download - Christian audiobooks. Try us free.

13/4/ · John Stott ( ) was known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist, and communicator of Scripture. He served as rector of All Souls Church in London and was a principal framer of the landmark Lausanne Covenant (). His many books, including Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ, and Christian Mission in the Modern World, have sold millions of copies/5(12) 26/12/ · Download The Cross of Christ By: John R W Stott [Audiobook] for Free - Download Movies, TV Shows, Series, Ebooks, Games, Music, Tutorial, Software, and get subtitle The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott remains after twenty-two years a tour de force in the literature of Christian Soteriology. In this survey of the doctrine and implications of the crucifixion, Stott argues for “the centrality of the cross in the mind of Christ, in Scripture and in history”1 and exhorts his audience toward a faith and life that is permeated by its influence. In Stott

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The Key to Freedom is Jesus Christ by John Stott. The fifth reason why I am a Christian is that I have found Jesus Christ to be the key to freedom. Many people are preoccupied with a quest for freedom. For some it is national john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download, emancipation from a colonial or neo-colonial yoke. For others it is civil freedom, civil rights and civil liberties. For others it is economic freedom, freedom from poverty, hunger and unemployment.

But for all of us it is personal freedom. Even those who campaign most vigorously for those other freedoms often know that they are not free themselves.

They feel frustrated, unfulfilled and unfree. John Fowles, the celebrated British novelist, was once asked if there was any special theme in his books. How you achieve freedom. That obsesses me. All my books are about that. And freedom is a great Christian word. To be saved by Jesus Christ is to be set free.

Some react with embarrassment and change the subject as quickly as possible. Others react with boredom. A delightful story, which illustrates this confusion, has long been told of B. Westcott, a New Testament scholar of great distinction, who was for some years Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, and became in Bishop of Durham.

It is said that, while travelling somewhere by bus, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download, he was accosted by a Salvation Army lassie. Do you mean sözomenos or sesösmenos or sothësomenos? They go like this:. Firstly, I have been saved or freed in the past from the penalty of sin by a crucified Saviour. Secondly, I am being saved or freed in the present from the power of sin by a living Saviour.

Thirdly, I shall be saved or freed in the future from the presence of sin by a coming Saviour. The fact that we are being saved frees us from bondage to our own self-centredness. And the fact that we shall be saved frees us from all fear about the future, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download. First, then, salvation means freedom from guilt and from the judgment of God. For we are not only sinners, but guilty sinners, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download, and our conscience tells us so.

This is unfashionable language today, but mainly because it is misunderstood. The wrath of God has never meant that he is malicious, bad-tempered or vindictive, but rather that he hates evil and refuses to compromise with it.

Indeed, some are pathological, especially in some forms of depressive illness. But many—perhaps most—are not. Not all guilt is false guilt.

A number of psychologists and psychotherapists are now telling us, even if they make no Christian profession themselves, that we must take our responsibilities seriously.

Then if we fail to do so our guilt and our need of forgiveness remain. Nobody is free who is unforgiven. I would want to run away and hide, as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. I would not be free. Yet we long for the freedom that forgiveness brings. For when he entered our world, he became one of us, assuming our nature, and on the cross he identified himself with our sin and guilt.

In total self-sacrificial love he paid the penalty of our sins. We deserve to die—he died our death in our place. In the awful darkness of the cross he even tasted the horrors of hell, in order that we might go to heaven. It takes a hard and stony heart not to be moved by such amazing love.

Secondly, salvation means freedom from the cramping bondage of our own self-centredness. I still remember what a revelation it was to me, as a young man, to learn mainly through the teaching of Archbishop William Temple that sin is self, and salvation is freedom from self. Sin is the rebellious assertion of myself against the love and authority of God, and against the welfare of my neighbour.

Sin is precisely the reversal of the order—me first, neighbour next when it suits my conveniencejohn stott the cross of christ mp3 free download God somewhere if anywhere in the distant background. Christians believe there is only one way to be rid of this imprisonment or slavery, and that is through Jesus Christ. For the living Jesus by his Spirit can enter our personality, establish himself there as our permanent guest, subdue our sinful desires and transform us into his own likeness from one degree of glory to another 2 Corinthians NIV.

I am not of course claiming a complete deliverance from all self-centredness. But I am claiming john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download substantial change from self to unself.

And we have to be willing for it. During a mission in a Canadian university some years ago I found myself talking to a young lecturer. I was trying to explain to him that, if he were to accept Jesus Christ, he would have to put him at the centre of his life and himself move out to the circumference. Thirdly, salvation is freedom from our crippling fears. Those who lived in the ancient world were paralysed by fear. Many people are similarly haunted by fear today. There are the common fears that have always plagued humankind: fears of sickness, pain, disability and incapacity, the fears of unemployment, financial misfortune and bereavement.

Then there are occult powers, the john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download and powers of darkness, for which it is right to have a healthy fear. There are also irrational and superstitious fears. Educated people in Europe still cross their fingers and touch wood. In West Africa they carry jujus charms.

And in North America they refuse to sleep on the thirteenth floor of a high-rise hotel, apparently oblivious of the fact that it is still the thirteenth even if you call it the fourteenth! Education and superstition do not seem to exclude each other. As for the British, a recent National Opinion Poll revealed that twice as many of us read our horoscope each week as our Bible.

I single out for special mention the fear of death. If this writer were addressing our contemporary society, he would not need to change a single word. Apart from Jesus Christ, the fear of death and dissolution is extremely widespread.

For us in the West, Woody Allen typifies this terror. It has become an obsession with him. True, he can still joke about it. Reviewing these many human fears, none seems greater than this ultimate threat of personal and cosmic extinction, whether its form will be nuclear, ecological or unknown. One thing is sure: no-one who is afraid is free. And Jesus Christ holds the key to freedom, because he died to free us from guilt, rose to free us from self and was exalted to free us from fear.

Where then are the things we fear? God has put them under the feet of Jesus Christ see Ephesians —22 NIV. Once we have seen them there, they lose their power to terrify. Their spell has been broken. I have been learning that fears are like fungus; they grow most rapidly in the dark.

We need, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download, therefore, to bring them out into the light, especially into the light of the supreme victory of Jesus Christ—his death, resurrection and exaltation. Our hope for the future, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download, however, will be cosmic too.

We believe that Jesus Christ is going to return in a cosmic event of spectacular magnificence. He will not only raise the dead but regenerate the universe; he will make all things new. The whole creation is going to be set free from its present bondage to decay and death. The groans of nature are the labour pains which promise the birth of a new earth.

There is going to be a new heaven and a new earth, which will be the home of righteousness, joy, peace and love see Romans —25; 2 Peter NIV, john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download.

The individual believer is promised neither just survival nor even immortality, but a resurrected, transformed body. And the resurrection of Jesus is the ground of both expectations. We have seen what Christ sets us free from the negative aspect of freedom. But whenever we are thinking about freedom, it is important to think of what we are set free for as well the positive aspect.

We begin with God himself. God is the only being who enjoys perfect freedom. You could argue that his freedom is not perfect. It is certainly not absolute in the sense that he is free to do absolutely anything whatsoever. He cannot lie. He cannot sin. He cannot tempt and he cannot be tempted.

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The Incomparable Christ - Lecture 1 - The Original Jesus - Dr. John Stott

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John stott the cross of christ mp3 free download

john stott the cross of christ mp3 free download

13/4/ · John Stott ( ) was known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist, and communicator of Scripture. He served as rector of All Souls Church in London and was a principal framer of the landmark Lausanne Covenant (). His many books, including Basic Christianity, The Cross of Christ, and Christian Mission in the Modern World, have sold millions of copies/5(12) The Cross of Christ by John R. W. Stott remains after twenty-two years a tour de force in the literature of Christian Soteriology. In this survey of the doctrine and implications of the crucifixion, Stott argues for “the centrality of the cross in the mind of Christ, in Scripture and in history”1 and exhorts his audience toward a faith and life that is permeated by its influence. In Stott Unabridged MP3 $ In Stock. $ Add To Cart Add To Cart. Product Information Title: The Cross of Christ - Unabridged Audiobook [Download] By: John Stott Narrated By: Simon Vance Format: Audio Download: Vendor: christianaudio Publication Date: ISBN Stock No: WWDACP: Related Products. Add To Cart Add To Wishlist. ST Doctrine of Salvation - A Format: Audiobookformat

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